What is TWFRS LTD?

TWFRS LTD is a wholly internal training company, set up to bring value and support our service and communities.

All revenue/profits benefit the service and will be utilised accordingly.

Our business vision is to build off the wealth of training and operational experience to offer a catalogue of training opportunities ranging from basic to more significant technical competencies.

Commercial companies have an increasing need for the services based around their values, compliance requirements, audit recommendations, alongside other business considerations.

Fire safety practices and competence link work and home and it’s great to be able to share the story at work and beyond.

What courses do we offer?

One day courses

Fire Awareness Training

Fire Awareness Training teaches your staff about the risks fire pose to the health and safety of your business, as well as the nature of fire and how easy it can travel through buildings.

Fire Warden/Marshal Training

Fire Warden/Marshal Training teaches your staff about the duties as a fire warden or marshal in your business and their responsibility under the latest fire legislation. It also focuses on fire prevention measure your business can take and how to organise a safe evacuation of staff.

Manual Handling

Manual Handling Training teaches your staff about the importance of protecting your back whilst conducting manual handling tasks in the workplace, and why safe workplace lifting is important to your health.

Three day courses

First Aid at Work Full

First Aid at Work training ensures that your staff are able to provide adequate care to your staff when responding to workplace accidents.

Your staff will learn about:

  • their role of an emergency first aider and the need for recording incidents and preventing cross-infection
  • how to assess a situation and circumstances to act safely and effectively in an emergency
  • how to administer first aid to those who are; unconscious, choking, burned, wounded and bleeding or someone suffering from shock
  • how to administer CPR and how to use an AED
  • how to provide first aid for minor injuries (cuts, grazes, bruises, minor burns, etc.)
Bespoke Training

Breathing Apparatus Training

Breathing Apparatus Training provides your staff with the essential knowledge of how to put on a BA set correctly, how to confidently breath, how to extinguish a fire whilst wearing the BA set, and the teamwork needed to navigate the limited visibility you may have with the set on.

Health Promotion and Wellbeing Sessions

Health Promotion and Wellbeing sessions

We can provide bespoke Health Promotion and Wellbeing sessions for your staff which provide education and resilience for staff on an annual basis.

We have over 20 years of experience in providing this service in TWFRS and elsewhere.

This has proved very popular with staff, discussing such matters as identifying stress in our busy working lives, the importance of developing coping mechanisms and understanding the long-term effects of stress on us, if left unchecked.

For your bespoke Health Promotion and Wellbeing session, please email us at

Trauma Support Team

Trauma Support Team (TST)

The Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service (TWFRS) Trauma Support model is an early intervention facilitated discussion following exposure to a traumatic incident.

This early intervention involves normalising reactions to abnormal events, educating for possible future reactions and signposting to other services when required.

We can train your staff to form your own Trauma Support Team with support from TWFRS instructors and mentors and an approved qualification by the Skills for Justice programme.

Or we can provide Trauma Support Team members for your organisation on a sessional basis.

Please email us at for further information.

Mental Health First Aid Courses (MHFA)

Mental Health First Aid Courses (MHFA)

We can provide MHFA courses for a minimum of 8 persons to a maximum of 16 persons per course at Fire Stations throughout Tyne and Wear.

We can also provide MHFA courses at a venue of your choosing utilising our qualified MHFA Instructors.

Please email us at for further information.

How can I get in touch?

During office hours (Mon – Fri 8am -4pm) – you can call us on 0191 444 1500

Or alternatively you can email us on and we will get back to you.