Our Procurement Policy 2021 – 2024 (PDF) outlines our strategic approach to achieving value for money through effective procurement of goods and services.
It also sets out:
- the links between national, regional and local procurement
- our commitments when spending public money with third parties
- the practical procurement tools we use
- how we incorporate best practice within our processes
As part of our commitment to transparency, we regularly publish details of our current contracts and payments information.
We ensure all procurement activities are in line with the service’s standing orders and financial instructions, national legislation and European legislation as per Public Contract Regulations 2015 and procurement best practice.
We have achieved CIPS Corporate Ethical Procurement and Supply status, a statement of our commitment to ethical sourcing and supplier management.
Our strong diversity and equality principles are practically implemented through our procurement processes and the decisions we make.
Our approach to procurement means we can expand our commitment to diversity and equality throughout our supply chain. The Diversity and Equality Procurement Policy is used both as a guide for procurers and as a record of our achievements.
As well as procuring goods and services, we also organise the disposal of obsolete goods.
Terms and conditions
We proactively work to remove any barriers that prevent suppliers bidding for opportunities. We strive to ensure our procurement processes are open, transparent, proportionate, inclusive and as simple as possible to follow.
We have worked with the North East local authorities to standardise our terms and conditions:
Procurement thresholds
As a public sector organisation, Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service hasto adhere to both its own Standing Orders and Financial Regulations and procurement legislation.
The procurement procedures we follow depend on the expected value of the purchase.
Although the current thresholds are not flexible, the values are amended over time.
- We may enter into an agreement for the purchase of goods and services, having due regard for the need to obtain value for money through encouraging competition.
- Records detailing how value for money was achieved will be held.
- In line with Standing Orders and UK Public Contract Regulations Thresholds for works, supplies and services.
- In line with Standing Orders and UK Public Contract Regulations Thresholds for works, supplies and services.
- In line with Standing Orders and UK Public Contract Regulations Thresholds for works, supplies and services.
- Tenders will be advertised within Find a Tender (find-tender.service.gov.uk), on our website, Bluelight e-tendering system and Contracts Finder.
Sell to Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service
We encourage competition and welcome bids from new and established suppliers.
Contracts must be awarded on the basis of obtaining best value for money. We do not discriminate between suppliers and encourage participation from local small and medium enterprises.
We’ve developed a guide for suppliers and contractors who are interested in bidding for our contracts:
How to do business with Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service
We manage our procurement activity through an electronic tendering system. This is a free of charge procurement portal that allows companies to register their interest in categories that align with their business. They will then receive alerts when opportunities are available.